Monday, November 3, 2008

Quick Items

*A little autumn cheer? One of Pfoho's very own pompom shakers is reportedly off-the-market!
*A Kirkland-Pfoho mid-afternoon shuttle? Do we need one? Is there enough demand? Let us know.
*Returning to Pfoho in a tux at 11am... fashion statement or late/early morning/night?
*Winter formal madness!!! Will we take over the Berg? Throw a party in the QRAC? Aaaah, excitement!
*Pfrock Star - Shares a name with some famous iced tea. Played a major sporting event. Spotting canoodling with a certain "Irreplaceable" lady backstage. The Roc will not be happy about this.
Send us your tips!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Seeing Spring in the Winter?

A little bird told us Pfoho's Pfavorite environmentalist may have stepped out with an unknown sopfmore, although we're sure they were just discussing the newest way to save the planet... right? I hear group showers save a lot of water...

Monday, October 20, 2008

4 House Formal!

It's gonna be called the Yule Ball!
It's gonna be Annenberg!
It's gonna be like Harry Potter, except a whole lot drunker and skankier!!!
Maybe Emma or Daniel will show up... I know there are people around who wouldn't mind playing some Quidditch with those two, if you know what I'm sayin'.

European Unions

So a German, a Communist and a girl with three names walk out of the Belltower... can we all guess what comes next?
Apparently it involves a large wheel of cheese and fresh fruit.
Creative, very creative.

Schell vs. 151

Win? Lose? Tie? Untied?

Art Appreciation (meow)

Sopfmore Anna was having some serious fun last night in the Belltower. Various party-ers recall spotting her in a steamy dance with a tallish, darkish, shortish, blondish, dark-haired stranger. Anybody get an id on the Mystery Man?

Oshima Already Graduated?

Apparently someone claims to have gotten a hold of the ancient senior's students records - and he may already be a graduate? Surprising, yes, but what is he still doing here? U.Hall espionage spy? Secret Pfoho Agent? General creepster?
And how old is he really?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Currier's Out of the Quad Formal

It's official. Their loss! Cabot people are hotter and funner. Also, rumors of a 4-house SUPER(P)FORMAL are stirring.
4 houses + 4 budgets = amazing setting + amazing open bar-ness. Get pfsyched!

Call for Stories, Pfotogs!

C'mon Pfohomies, I know you're all out there with juicy gossip, rumors, news, and incriminating photographic evidence. And we all know the whole Pfinternet should see it!
Send em in, pfolks: thepfouroneone at gmail dot com!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Belltower - Currier Connexion

Hmmm... who's that sneaking out of the Belltower at such an ungodly hour, heading towards Currier?

Pfoho Fashion Idol in Cahoots with Marc Jacobs?

Seems like a certain Pfoho Pfashion designer, whose first name I am not allowed to tell (but it starts with an E... and then an L.. and then it has another E... and maybe an N and an A), has been cozying up with the design maven. What, Pfoho not pfashionable enough for you, honey?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pf411 Back in Business!

Things are heating up in the Pfo'. Juicy gossip coming up fresh: but first, the Pf411 link exchange: got a blog, fun website, or livejournal (ew) you want to share? Leave the link in the comments, or, for the shy, email it in and we'll put up a link for you on the Pf411. That's right - you'll be practically almost an internet celebrity. Get commenting, kids, and see you on the pflip side.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

School Year's Coming 'Round Again

The summer school kiddies are gone, Pfoho is slowly filling up with the regular crowd, the smell of hops is in the air - AH! The school year is here! A whole new class of Pfohotties will soon be here, and Camp Harvard will be in full gear.
And a question for you: which Pfohoser is naked in the new Pfoho Pfacebook?
Only one way to find out... we'll see if we can our hands on an advance copy.
Peace and enjoy the rest of your summers which are quickly running out!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Overheard in Pfoho

Overheard today at dinner from Elizabeth Hadaway:
"I just can't believe that Shantanu tried to mount me today."

Honestly? I can.

Drunk Dial of the Week

"I love Divna! I love Pfoho! I wish I were sober enough to come home faster... like right now... soon."

-G., late Wed eve/Thurs morn, from an unidentified finals club

The PfRISK Traitor!

News has come in to us that their is a traitor in our midst! Pf-Risk Commandants on the CoPS were forced to do a purge of all lower ranking members . There have been calls for public outings, shaming, and executions. Pfoho - help us find out who the dastardly turncoat is! Leave your suspicions in the comments or email your accusations to thepfouroneone (@)

Reader Submission: May 8, 2008

Here's a tip-off from an anonymous reader:

Dear Pfour One One,

I have just picked up a tidbit of pfoho gossip!!!

Holmes 2nd pfloor resident, Jordan Pford-Lewis, apparently has no respect for the Pforzheimer Housing Restrictions.
He has been caught keeping a baby dragon in his dorm room, in blatant disregard for the Harvard undergrad housing no-pets policy. Attached is a pfoto I took of him with his pet dragon.


Let's keep each other accountable, Pfoho. Embarrass YOUR blockmates by reporting them to

Pfaux Pas: May 8, 2008

Which Pfohoser is getting called out on a serious pfaux pas?

Ladies and gentlemen of the house, Yonas Yemane has been found GUILTY of taking far too many "selfy" pictures than is allowable.

The proof:

Is this acceptable? Pfor sure not.

Shatanometer: 100% ????

Some murky characters in the d-hall last evening reported that Shantanu Gaur, one of Pfoho's manliest, has officially withdrawn himself from Johns Hopkins. There were also reports that his decision may have been affected by a promise from a certain high-and-mighty PfoHoCo'er that he be crowned King at Friday's upcoming Pformal.
Let's all keep our pfingers crossed that, for once, we're telling the truth here.

ThePf411 Hits PfOpen

Here's a meta-story for you: The Pf411 has finally hit the Pf-Open list! Well, now that you all know we're here, why not help us out a little bit and send your pfashionista nominations, your juicy gossip, your hallways reports, pfaux pas, roomie drama, and best eavesdropped conversations to:
thepfouroneone (@)
Happy hunting my amateur pfapfarazzi!


Breaking news from inside the house: There has been a coup.

John Sheffield, Warlord, has been overthrown. It is a tale of envy, jealousy, hurt feelings, and romance.

Stay tuned for juicy updates and revealing interviews with everyone involved.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hallway Report: Wolbach 1

Late last night: a certain cowboy whispering sweet nothings to a certain local Red Sox fan and IM Crew Superstar. For appearances, the TV was on, but we don't know what was on - then, of course, those two probably don't either.
The real question: did Sunday night's adventures affect the Monday morning race? Stay tuned for results.

Pfoho Announces New Fellowship

Pforzheimer House and Harvard College are proud to announce the newly instituted Wellesley Traveling Fellowship. The Wellesley Traveling Fellowship will help young gentlemen and interested ladies in travel expenses, pharmaceutical costs, and other related costs on the way to beautiful and bountiful Wellesley College for various types of research. Areas of study have included but are not limited to:

* The arts: video production and editing, the tango (vertical and horizontal), personal and group photography.
* Science: anatomy.
* Literature: Facebook correspondence and the nuances of txt.

Good luck to all future applicants. I hear that it's a very interesting place and there's a lot to learn.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


80% awesome.
20% not so much.

Actual picture from the Johns Hopkins Medical Website:

Sweater Vest Brigade

Though the forecast for the Pfoho Golf party predicted champagne wishes and caviar dreams, it was the setting for an excess of sweater vestery.

Prime offenders: seniors Chase Mohney and Dhruv Singh.

It was, at best, unfortunate.

Hallway Report: Moors 1

Spotted spreading cheer and scattering daisies: April Wang.

Everyone watch out. Rumor has it that sunshine makes her joy more potent.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Ex-Pfohomie Report

Spotted canoodling at Cambridge Commons: former Pfohomie Crystal Yang and English beau Mads - no, seriously, that's what he's called - rumor has it they are moving in together and considering converting to Scientology and appearing on Oprah to denounce the haters. Best of luck to Crads!!!

Wow They Are Drunk

The aftermath of Michael Oshima's b-day party stumbled in at about 1:45. Rumor has it there's a Halo party/wild orgy happening somewhere in Wolbach. Listen for the screams and moans. Stay tuned for incriminating pictures.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grasshopper

Pfoho celebutante Michael Oshima has been spotted celebrating his 21st birthday at Cambridge Common.

Will he get some love tonight? Will he be spotted stumbling through the house at any point tomorrow? Will he forgo the Asian glow?

Details to follow...

Overheard in Pfoho

Which pfrisky Pfohoser was heard uttering the following over dinner tonight?:

"You know the only thing hotter than Paul Hedrick in red corduroys? Paul Hedrick in a seersucker mankini."

Post your guesses in the comments!

The PfourOneOne has heard that he's got a strategically-placed seersucker tattoo. Yes, we are offering rewards for photographic evidence.

Shantanometer: May 1, 2008

Good work, Pfoho! You've had some influence in the past 24 hours.

How can we keep the momentum going? Let's find him a Pfoho hottie to make some lasting Harvard memories with over the next few weeks.

C.D. Nominate YOUR favorite Pfohoser!!

Pfoho Pfashionista Sighting

Late night laxin'? Blake Johnson was spotting last night doing it right: straight cut relaxed and faded jeans, urban full zip hoodie with some killer patterning, and street-worthy comfy looking slippers. Sick.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Secret Midnight Rendezvous

Elizabeth Hadaway, Laura Jaramillo, and unidentified third spotted in a shady late-night rendezvous in the questionable privacy of the Pfoho mail room. Special deliveries?

More Pformal Pfrenzy

Asian persuasions, anyone? International relations may be taken to a whole new level this Pformal: ninja warrior Michael Oshima has reportedly received an affirmative from kung-fu fighter Grace Ming Gu. I see a movie with Ken Watanabe and Ziyi Zhang in the making. HI-YAH!

FB Wall Posts Taken Wildly Out of Context

Hmm... looks like our favorite multi-continental Communist has chosen the opportune time for a late night wall post. Kinky.

Pformal Pfrenzy

This just in: Spicy Bulgarian Divna Gogeva has snagged lucky sophomore Steve Piatelli as a date to the Pformal.

What other couples will Pformal bring to light? Email your tips to

Rafo Sex Tape???

Vague reports have surfaced about the supposed existence of a Rafo sex tape. The grainy cellphone video allegedly shows a younger, less-bearded version of the Brazilian Bombshell in flagrante delicto an unidentified partner. Is it a fake? Real? Publicity stunt?
Check out the so-called screen-shots and decide for yourself.
Pfoho's gettin' juicy, fast.


The PfourOneOne has just received an anonymous tip that these two roommates were heard fighting over a certain Pfoho Pfemme Pfatale.

Apparently things have been rocky since Chase let a certain detail slip about Shantanu's worst first date in the roommate game.

Let's hope they can stay together for the children...and the tiki bar.

New Couple Alert

Sighted in the Romeo+Juliet seat in the Pfoho dining hall:


We christen them "Looney" part because of the messy breakup we see looming in the horizon when it comes out that El-bowz spent last weekend mixing it up with a certain pfree-spirited soul in the pfolar bear costume.

Overheard in Pfoho

Recently heard blaring from John Sheffield's computer:

We suggest he perform the dance routine for Miss Pfoho.

PfourOneOne will offer up free lessons. And popcorn for for the performance.

P(f)eer P(f)ressure

Shantanometer: April 30, 2008

Things are looking good for the home team...

Keep your pfingers crossed.

The Pfour One One

The latest in Pfoho news, gossipf, scandal, conspfiracy and pfashion. Up-to-the-minute posts on all your favorite famous and infamous Pfohomies.
Got a juicy lead, roommate confession, paparazzi-style photo or Pfashionista to report?
Email us at ThePfourOneOne (at)
Pfo' real,

ThePfabulous PfourOneOne Team