Monday, October 27, 2008

Seeing Spring in the Winter?

A little bird told us Pfoho's Pfavorite environmentalist may have stepped out with an unknown sopfmore, although we're sure they were just discussing the newest way to save the planet... right? I hear group showers save a lot of water...

Monday, October 20, 2008

4 House Formal!

It's gonna be called the Yule Ball!
It's gonna be Annenberg!
It's gonna be like Harry Potter, except a whole lot drunker and skankier!!!
Maybe Emma or Daniel will show up... I know there are people around who wouldn't mind playing some Quidditch with those two, if you know what I'm sayin'.

European Unions

So a German, a Communist and a girl with three names walk out of the Belltower... can we all guess what comes next?
Apparently it involves a large wheel of cheese and fresh fruit.
Creative, very creative.

Schell vs. 151

Win? Lose? Tie? Untied?

Art Appreciation (meow)

Sopfmore Anna was having some serious fun last night in the Belltower. Various party-ers recall spotting her in a steamy dance with a tallish, darkish, shortish, blondish, dark-haired stranger. Anybody get an id on the Mystery Man?

Oshima Already Graduated?

Apparently someone claims to have gotten a hold of the ancient senior's students records - and he may already be a graduate? Surprising, yes, but what is he still doing here? U.Hall espionage spy? Secret Pfoho Agent? General creepster?
And how old is he really?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Currier's Out of the Quad Formal

It's official. Their loss! Cabot people are hotter and funner. Also, rumors of a 4-house SUPER(P)FORMAL are stirring.
4 houses + 4 budgets = amazing setting + amazing open bar-ness. Get pfsyched!

Call for Stories, Pfotogs!

C'mon Pfohomies, I know you're all out there with juicy gossip, rumors, news, and incriminating photographic evidence. And we all know the whole Pfinternet should see it!
Send em in, pfolks: thepfouroneone at gmail dot com!!!