Thursday, September 18, 2008

Belltower - Currier Connexion

Hmmm... who's that sneaking out of the Belltower at such an ungodly hour, heading towards Currier?

Pfoho Fashion Idol in Cahoots with Marc Jacobs?

Seems like a certain Pfoho Pfashion designer, whose first name I am not allowed to tell (but it starts with an E... and then an L.. and then it has another E... and maybe an N and an A), has been cozying up with the design maven. What, Pfoho not pfashionable enough for you, honey?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pf411 Back in Business!

Things are heating up in the Pfo'. Juicy gossip coming up fresh: but first, the Pf411 link exchange: got a blog, fun website, or livejournal (ew) you want to share? Leave the link in the comments, or, for the shy, email it in and we'll put up a link for you on the Pf411. That's right - you'll be practically almost an internet celebrity. Get commenting, kids, and see you on the pflip side.